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Wordpress Terbaru 4.5

Versi beta WordPress 4.5 dirilis minggu lalu. Semoga WordPress 4.5 ini akan dirilis pada minggu kedua April, 2016. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas apa yang akan terjadi di WordPress 4.5 dengan fitur dan gambar.

Catatan: Anda bisa mencoba versi beta di localhost komputer.

Ini adalah rilis beta, yang berarti tidak ada lagi fitur baru yang akan ditambahkan sampai rilis final WordPress 4.5. Namun, perlu diketahui bahwa beberapa fitur ini mungkin tidak dipakai pada rilis final.

Theme Logo Support

Banyak theme WordPress premium sudah memungkinkan pengguna untuk meng-upload logo kustom menggunakan panel pilihan mereka sendiri. Dengan dukungan pada fitur ini, akan menjadi memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan customizer theme.

Visual Editor Improvements

Sebagian besar pengguna WordPress menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu mereka untuk membuat konten. Apa pun yang bisa membuat artikel lebih baik dan lebih cepat selalu hal yang bagus. WordPress 4.5 akan membawa beberapa perbaikan baru pada visual editor, yang akan meningkatkan kenyamanan menulis bagi pengguna.

Inline Link Editing

Fitur WordPress berikutnya dengan beberapa shortcut jadi bisa menghemat waktu yang besar dan membantu pengguna menulis lebih cepat. Salah satu shortcut ini adalah CTRL + K (Command + K pada Mac), yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyisipkan link dalam posting.

Shortcut ini memasukkan link popup, versi sebelumnya agak mengganggu. Dengan WordPress 4.5, tekan CTRL + K akan menunjukkan inline untuk memasukkan link menu. Cukup ketik URL dan terus menulis artikel.

Inline Link Editing

Shortcut Inline Teks Lainnya

Shortcut Inline Teks diperkenalkan di WordPress 4.3. yang memungkinkan para pengguna untuk lebih cepat menambahkan format markup dengan menggunakan cara shortcut teks sederhana. Pada WordPress 4.5 dikenalkan shortcut seperti 'kode' untuk kode dan ** bold** untuk penebalan.

Editor shortcut

Improved Moderate Comment Screen

Para blogger menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk moderasi komentar di WordPress. Moderasi komentar merupakan kejahatan yang diperlukan bahwa kita semua harus mentolerir untuk memerangi komentar spam di WordPress.

WordPress mengirimkan pemberitahuan melalui email apabila ada komentar baru yang disampaikan. Klik untuk menyetujui, sampah atau link spam dalam email akan membawa Anda ke layar dimana Anda bisa melihat komentar itu dengan tombol untuk melakukan tindakan yang diinginkan.

Layar ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengedit komentar. Pada gambar dibawah ini tidak menunjukkan format apapun dalam teks komentar dan itu tidak menyenangkan.

Pada WordPress 4.5, Anda akan melihat perbaikan tampilan komentar. Itu akan menunjukkan format di teks komentar seperti gambar dibawah. Ia juga akan memiliki link untuk mengedit komentar.

Responsive Preview In Customizer

WordPress 4.5 akan membawa tambahan keren lainnya. Anda sekarang akan bisa melihat preview responsif situs Anda langsung di customizer.

Anda bisa klik pada ikon perangkat di bagian bawah untuk beralih pada tampilan antara perangkat. Saat ini ia menunjukkan Desktop, tablet dan ponsel preview. Ini memberi Anda ide yang generik dari bagaimana situs Anda akan terlihat pada perangkat ini.

Optimized Image Size Generation

WordPress memperkenalkan images responsive pada WordPress 4.4. Ini berarti bahwa sejak versi 4.4, pengguna pada layar yang lebih kecil bisa untuk melihat gambar yang lebih kecil sesuai dengan layar mereka.

Fitur seperti ini tidak hanya meningkatkan kinerja website pada layar yang lebih kecil, tapi juga bisa menghemat uang pada kuota internet pengunjung.

WordPress 4.5 akan meningkatkan ini dengan lebih lanjut. Ini akan mengoptimalkan gambar lebih lanjut untuk mengurangi kehilangan kualitas situs mereka lebih dari 50%.

Sebaiknya Anda menyimpan gambar yang dioptimalkan untuk web dengan hasil yang terbaik.

Allow Users to Login Using Email Address

Sulit untuk melacak semua username yang kita gunakan di semua situs yang berbeda. Inilah sebabnya mengapa banyak situs populer seperti Facebook, Twitter dan lainnya memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggunakan alamat email mereka sebagai nama pengguna.

Sementara Anda bisa saja mudah lupa dengan username Anda, kebanyakan orang tidak lupa alamat email mereka.

Dulu WordPress tidak memungkinkan pengguna untuk login dengan email secara default. Hal ini diharapkan membawa perubahan pada WordPress 4.5. Karena setiap pengguna WordPress sudah memiliki alamat email yang terkait dengan account mereka, mereka sekarang bisa menggunakan alamat email mereka untuk login.

Developer Features

WordPress 4.5 akan membawa banyak perbaikan untuk pengembang. Berikut adalah beberapa perbaikan yang menarik untuk pengembang:

Selektive Refresh In Customizer - WordPress 4.5 akan datang dengan sebuah kerangka kerja yang kuat memungkinkan selektif refresh di customizer. Ini akan membuatnya sangat cepat, dan itu akan memungkinkan pengembang untuk melakukan hal-hal besar dengan live preview. (#27355)

Customizable Embed Templates - WordPress 4.4 juga memperkenalkan komprehensif yang memungkinkan para pengguna untuk membuat postingan sendiri atau pada blog WordPress lain. WordPress 4.5 akan membuat embed templates customizable sehingga tema penulis memiliki tampilan berbeda. (#34561)

WP_Site Class - WordPress 4.5 akan datang dengan WP_Site Class untuk WordPress Multisite. (#32450)

Script Loader - Menambah inline skrip akan menjadi lebih mudah dengan pengenalan wp_add_inline_script() di WordPress 4.5. (#14853, #35873)

Saya harap artikel ini membantu Anda belajar apa yang akan terjadi di WordPress 4.5. Untuk itu kita perlu tahu fitur menarik apa yang dibawa pada rilis Wordpress berikutnya.

Not always in a safe state website, when people attack our website , all of our data would be stolen , if our data confidential data is stolen then we are not safe.

What is under attack in our website :

Website Attack Protection
In 2013, the total attacks Increased Website ~ 35 % . Why do they do that ? The answers is simple , they attack your website to lower your position from search engines . If your website is not reachable to search engine spiders , you will lose your rank on search engines .
  • Scrape Protection
  • No Right Click Protection
  • Image Theft Protection
  • Text Copy Protection
  • Add Source Link When Copied
Content Theft Protection
In 2013, the copied content issues Increased ~ 30 % . Content stealers are using various content scraper softwares to automatically or manually steals the content of other websites . Spammers always try to steal other Content With our improved Theft Protection , you can stop content stealers .

  • DDOS Protection
  • spam Protection
  • Clickjack ( iFrame ) Protection
  • Flood Protection
  • Database Injection Protection
Malicious Bot Protection
Malicious bots run automated tasks over the Internet . Typically , bots perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive , at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human alone . They can automatically fill the inputs , submit , comment , e - mail and collect your contact information and spam all day .
  • Bad IP Protection
  • Malicious Bot Protection
  • Auto Update Bad IPs
  • Web Crawler Spy Protection
  • Auto Update Malicious Bots
But do not worry, I will provide information to the security of a website, you can give it a try and please test it.

Trackmant. Yes, Trackmant is a website security guard for helping webmasters to Prevent DDOS attacks , thefts and malicious content bots. These are why Trackment is the best in the industry?
  1. Cheapest prices compares to others
  2. Very easy to use
  3. You can also earn money by inviting new users
  4. Great user interface for easy usage and functional
  5. You can try free trial
  6. Works in all kinds of Websites, blogs, forums etc..
  7. Trackment guarantees you to work 7/24.
  8. You'll just need to add Trackment code to your website to make it work
For information u can go to link Trackmant and try it

Sudah lama tidak nge-blog dan sekarang baru bisa buat artikel,,, ok langsung aja ya...

sesuai dengan judul di atas maka saya akan membahasnya walaupun tidak keseluruhan. Jika kalian belum pernah mendengar apa itu PTC (Paid To Click) kalian bisa baca disni

sekarang ini banyak PTC yang bermunculan baik PTC lokal maupun PTC luar dan banyak juga yang melakukan SCAM, tapi yang saya bahas hanya yang tidak SCAM / sudah terbukti membayar membernya.

bagaimana langkah-langkah mengikuti PTC (Paid To Click) :
  1. Kalian harus punya buku tabungan BCA atau MANDIRI atau BNI maupun PP (Paypal) / AP (AlertPay) / LR (Liberty Reserve) --> harus verified
  2. Mendaftar pada penyedia PTC
  3. Berdoa smoga sukses
Untuk panduan gabung di team: 
  • Bagi yang ingin bergabung dalam team saya, untuk amannya bersihkan dulu cookies browser kalian supaya ga nyasar jadi referral orang lain, kemudian silahkan klik di banner PTC (Paid To Click) yang akan dituju untuk registrasi.
  • Pastikan lagi nama referrer-nya adalah prasasti (untuk PTC Onbux), prasasti11 (untuk PTC Neobux), hahan (untuk PTC lainnya) di form registrasi PTC
  • Setelah mendaftar, silahkan kirimkan via email untuk konfirmasi atau add YM ( :
          Nama PTC         :
          Nama Referrer  :
          Tgl Gabung        :
  • Referral yang tidak aktif dalam 30 hari terakhir akan dihapus dari keanggotaan.
 Keuntungan gabung jadi team saya:
  1. Mendapatkan panduan tentang PTC yg diikuti + tips dan Trik dalam bentuk .pdf yang saya akan kirim lewat email
  2. Untuk bonus-bonus lainnya menyusul (Informasi dikirim via email).

Berikut adalah PTC (Paid To Click) Lokal :
  • IDR-CLICKIT ==> Penawaran Slot 20 anggota
IDR-CLICKIT --> pastikan Refferer nya hahan
Iklan setiap harinya 4-8.
Minimum PayOut Rp.20.000,- melalui BCA atau Mandiri
Untuk yang mo ikutan IDR-ClickIt silahkan joint dengan klik banner atau bisa disni
  • SENTRACLIX ==> Penawaran Slot 20 anggota
SENTRACLIX --> pastikan Refferer nya hahan
Iklan setiap harinya 4-8.
Minimum PayOut Rp.20.000,- melalui BCA atau Mandiri atau BNI
Untuk yang mo ikutan SentraClix silahkan joint dengan klik banner atau bisa disni
  • DBCLIX ==> Penawaran Slot 20 anggota
DBCLIX --> pastikan Refferer nya hahan
Iklan setiap harinya 4-8.
Minimum PayOut Rp.20.000,- melalui BCA atau Mandiri
Untuk yang mo ikutan DbClix silahkan joint dengan klik banner atau bisa disni
  • VISTACLIX ==> Penawaran Slot 20 anggota
VISTACLIX --> pastikan Refferer nya hahan
Iklan setiap harinya 4-8.
Minimum PayOut Rp.20.000,- melalui BCA atau Mandiri
Untuk yang mo ikutan VistaClix silahkan joint dengan klik banner atau bisa disni

Berikut adalah PTC (Paid To Click) Luar :
  • NEOBUX ==> Penawaran Slot 30 anggota
NEOBUX --> pastikan Refferer nya prasasti11
Iklan setiap harinya 4-9.
Minimum PayOut $2,- melalui Paypal atau AlertPay atau Liberty Reserve
Untuk yang mo ikutan NeoBux silahkan joint dengan klik banner atau bisa disni
  • ONBUX ==> Penawaran Slot 30 anggota
ONBUX --> pastikan Refferer nya prasasti
Iklan setiap harinya 4-9.
Minimum PayOut $2,- melalui Paypal atau AlertPay atau Liberty Reserve
Untuk yang mo ikutan OnBux silahkan joint dengan klik banner atau bisa disni
 so,,tunggu apa lagi buruan ga nyesel deh jadi team saya....tapi khusus yang serius saja.

Tags : PTC, paid to click, make money online, paypal, alertpay, liberty reserve

For the past months, you've heard a LOT of people talking about how much money you can make in selling internet marketing services to local businesses, but...Did you know...
There is a secret opportunity in the Local market that almost EVERYONE is missing!  It's something that could be worth tens of thousands (if not millions) to people who grab this opportunity FAST!
Yes, I've already stated shifting my focus towards this opportunity and instead of being greedy and keeping the secret... I've decided to share!
Why would I do this...?

You’ve  been waiting for a long time and finally its here- an affiliate program  that will blow all the others out of the water!

The already popular  TheSecondTier affiliate training center has undergone a complete  information and visual makeover.

As an affiliate you’ll get more tools  and they’ll be more powerful than ever. This translates directly into  cha-ching!  Here are just a few things that make this affiliate program the most  effective affiliate program out there: 

• Huge commissions on both first  AND second tier sales!!!  • Product tools for all types of affiliates.  
• Full training center with access hours of video and audio training.  
• Live affiliate manager blog where you can get your affiliate  questions answered.  
• Weekly live training calls (every monday morning!!!)  

Russell Brunson's unique philosophy that affiliates should be provided  not only with powerful tools but the knowledge to use them has pushed  

TheSecondTier to the top of competing programs. Russell has taken  affiliate training to a whole new level. He understands that he can  have hundreds of affiliates that don’t know what they are doing and get  decent sales OR he can give them the knowledge and tools they need to  create explosive amounts of money AND share with them a very generous  portion of the profits from each sale they generate!  

Here are just a few of the things that you'll learn inside of  TheSecondTier:  

• How to choose the right product for you to promote - One of the  biggest mistakes that almost all affiliates make when they first start  out, is that they try to promote too many things at once. This video  will show you exactly how to choose the right one or two products that  will make you the most money. 
• How to set up an "Affiliate Squeeze"  page - Less then 2% of all affiliates use this powerful technique, but  after you implement it into your affiliate promotions, you will see  your commissions grow exponentially.    

• How to drive targeted traffic to your "Affiliate Squeeze" pages for  FREE - Once you learn this simple (and free) concept on how to drive  traffic to your "Affiliate Squeeze" pages, you will be able to start  literally writing your own paychecks. 

• How to build an huge targeted  opt-in mailing list - You will learn how easy it is to build an opt-in  list, and use that to exponentially increase your affiliate commissions  EVERY week!  
• How to strategically place "Affiliate Land Mines" and watch your  profits EXPLODE! - Follow this one simple strategy and you will start  getting checks in the mail every month!  

• How to dominate your Pay Per Click ad campaigns - It's very powerful  if you learn how to do it right. This video will walk you through the  process to get high converting PPC ads!  • How to use teleseminars to close ten times the clients in 1/2 the  time - One of the secrets to selling a lot of products as an affiliate  quickly is doing teleseminars. I was nervous when I did my first few,  but now I can't stop because every time I do one, my affiliate checks  from that day are anywhere from $2,000 - $15,000 (and it's a lot easier  then you'd think).  

• How to broker JV deals and make a fortune on your 2nd tier - Many of  our affiliates earn thousands of dollars each month from the efforts of  others. These videos will show you exactly how they find super  affiliates to add to their second tier. • How to protect your  commissions from thieves while increasing your conversions - One of the  number one concerns that affiliates have are people stealing their  commissions. You will learn the techniques that will protect your links  and also guarantee that even the worst thieves will gladly give you  their commissions instead of keeping it for themselves. 

• and a whole  lot more....  

Russell does not discriminate against less experienced affiliates. In  fact, he’s already taken countless numbers of people from knowing 0 to  being listed among his top affiliates. It is so effective that some  people actually pay to sell products for him!  

The products Russell puts out are of top quality and always in demand.  In fact, people call his office months before products are ready just  begging to know when they can get their hands on them. 

Combine this  with all the promotional and training tools Russell provides and you’re  already half way to making serious affiliate commissions. The other  half will be done when you take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime  opportunity! 

Resource Box: 
TheSecondTier is a free affiliate training center for those interested  in learning how to make money online as an affiliate marketer. You can  get your free account today by registering at:  

Paid for uploading and increasingly popular concept of earning money by the popularity of online file sharing services. Because there are many file sharing service online games with many options. There are free and paid, competition in this arena to get most users to give us another chance to get paid for upload and earn money online. Because in everyday life, we share your email attachments, documents, music, movies, pictures, photos, etc. often with others. As a blogger and webmaster, we can even paid to upload large files and other documents to create a passive income stream. I know where you can get paid for uploading and probability of obtaining money  day after day, but I focus on the best here as much as I could ... Hope to add opportunity for you.

  • Ziddu

    You will earn money when someone downloads your files from file sharing service ziddu. For each unique download, you will get $0.001. Redeemed Wwill be transfered cash via Paypal or Moneybookers once it reaches $10 (10,000 download). Ziddu offers a referral program as well. You will get $ 0.05 Referral Bonus, when someone joins with Ziddu through referral links And upload your files first!

    10000 Unique Downloads: $10

    50000 Unique Downloads: $50

    100000 Unique Downloads: $100 USD

    500000 Unique Downloads: $500 USD

    1000000 Unique Downloads: $1000 USD

    More detail....

  • ShareCash

    Unlike other uploading sites that provide insanely low prices, eg $ 10 for the 1000 U.S. downloads, we are giving you the average 40-80 cents per download! Thats $800 for 1000 download - eighty times more than the order upload cash site. The best part is when we pay for at least 40 cents, there are many offers coming in above-average 80 percent above! We guarantee you will earn more with us than pay-to-upload websites other - our revolutionary platform provides everything you need, from the great features the highest paid around, to start making money easily!

    • Highest download rates around - at least 40 cents for any US, UK, CAN, or AUS download, and at least 25 cents for any international download. Remember, 40 cents is a base rate. Most downloads earn you over 60 cents! You will earn the most with us, guaranteed.
    • We are the pioneers of the high paying upload site concept. Therefore you can be sure you are with the most sophisticated and professional PPD site around!
    • Unmatched System - Our system is elegantly coded to incorporate all the features you need, while at the same time making it as easy as possible for you to earn money!
    • Affiliate System - refer users and get 10% of what they earn!
    • Premium Memberships - downloaders can buy a premium membership with us. If they buy one after visiting your file, you get 30% of the price!
    • Simple sign up - Start earning in less than 30 seconds!
    • Affiliate messaging system - you can now talk to and train your affiliate army to make you even more cash!
    • Low cashout limit - get your money after earning only $10 !
    • Accepts any file type!
    • Super secure - your details, files, and earnings are safe with us!
    • International downloads - get paid for any country!
    • Flexible, on time payments!
    • Easy-to-use folder-based uploads manager!
    • Friendly, 24/7 Online Community on our Forum, Live Chat, TeamSpeak, and Ventrillo!
    • No "scrubbing" - nearly every other high paying download sites will "scrub" off perfectly good downloads, or not count them, and then even claim that they don't do it. Not us! Here you get paid for every download!
    • High-tech FTP, Direct, and Remote Uploader!
    • Payouts are constantly on the rise
    • We have a dedicated team of administrators and programmers who constantly release new features and optimizations!

      More detail.....

  • Sharingmatrix
    You can earn up to $15 for 1000 unique downloads! Anyone can participate in this affiliate program. All you have to do is upload your file (s) and put a link on your forums, blogs or other sites. You'll earn points for each download; one point equal to $ 0.005.

    Multiple free downloads are counted if the file's size is more than 1Mb (except in the case of fraud; please do not abuse, as all fraud will be detected and blocked). Here is the list of countries we will pay for: Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil, UK, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Spain, France, Australia, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Czech Republic, Portugal, Poland, Cyprus, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Liechtenstein, Kuwait, Qatar, The United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Japan, Singapore and New Zealand.

  • Depositfiles
    How does the bonus program work ?
    Upload a file to the service and get a unique download link
    Give this link to your friends or place it on your site or blog
    Your friends will download your files and you will earn from it $5 - 30$ for 1000 downloads

  • Uploading
    Uploading system provides a flexible and intelligent fare scheme - which encourages a person to achieve the best results ever possible. Uploading to pay for each download generated in 1000 from 40 countries around the world, and the number of participating countries continue to grow.First we divide all values with the size of the file, so there are groups of five levels, each operating their own price for downloads in 1000. larger files are at a higher price..

  • Extabit

    Earn simply and effectively with Extabit

    Interest payments and, consequently your income increases with every sale of a premium account. We aim for long-term partnership!

    Extabit have simple and clear commission rates
    Up to 50% from premium sales
    Up to 30% from premiums, $10 per 1000 downloads
    Up to $20 per 1000 downloads

    More Detail....

  • Filefactory
    You can get $10 for every 1000 downloads to traffic, United States (for file size more than 125MB) on FileFactory paid to upload services. But downloading a file smaller than 20MB are not eligible for any reward here and you must be a member currentPremium order to receive a cash payment of these services: (They pay upto $2 for download from Germany, Japan, England and upto $1 to download come from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Danish, French, Greek, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore , Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailandand Turkey. For all the world you are not eligible for payment. You must have a paypal account to pay. The minimum payment amount was determined to be $20.

    More detail....

  • Turboupload
    No information clear information on the site, but they pay upto $ 20 for 1000 download. Although sytated that this number is changed according to the size and location, the information published anywhere. You can upload files from your rapidshare account also with their interface.

    More detail....

  • Eeeshare
    In eeeshare, each download is worth one point and they do count the downloads from any country as a point. So, if you have international traffic, this is a good program for consideration.Points will automatically be converted into cash when you reach 100 points. The minimum payment amount is $ 20 via paypal, aletpay and WebMoney. They have a referral program paying 20% of users you referred.

    More detail....

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